Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Review-The Sunday Morning Wife

The Sunday Morning Wife (Peace In The Storm Publishing Presents)The Sunday Morning Wife by Pamela D. Rice

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The description of this book was so much better than what the actual book turned out to be.

The Sunday Morning Wife is about a woman named Yolanda who is married to Timothy who is a prominent pastor of a church. He has been physically, emotionally, and sexually abusing Yolanda for years. Unable to leave her marriage, Yolanda meets Andre whom she begins an affair with.

I found it very hard to sympathize with Yolanda. Yes I felt very sorry that her husband was beating her and calling her terrible names, but Yolanda did nothing to help her situation. I have never been in or witnessed an abusive relationship so I know it's easier said than done, but I don't understand why she didn't just leave him. She had plenty of money (that Timothy was spending all up) and she seemed semi-intelligent, so she could've just left him. They never really explain why she didn't, just her saying that she loved him. What is there to love about him, Yolanda????

This book still could've gotten 3 stars out of me, however this book suffers from the one thing that pisses this English major off the most: numerous grammatical errors. The publishers and editors of this book did a horrible job. Using apostrophes at the wrong time, no paragraph breaks in between dialogue changes, ugh I just can't stand it.

View all my reviews

Challenges Used For: 100 Books in a Year
Source: Library

1 comment:

  1. Poor editing can definitely loose brownie points from their overall rating.
